The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has served as a catalyst for redefining what was once considered commonplace. Lifestyle patterns have undergone swift transformations, and the demand for apparel has shifted in accordance with the currents of the era. MOONCASTLE, while upholding tradition, endeavors to offer "New Classic" knitwear items that cater to the demands of modern times.
MOONCASTLEは大阪にある1966年創業のニット工場が手がける ニットウェアブランドです。2020年に3代目である月城亮一がMOONCASTLEブランドを立ち上げ、 日本だけでなく世界中の多くのお客様に支持されています。ブランド名の「MOONCASTLE(ムーンキャッスル)」は和訳すると 「月城」で創業者の名字です。自身の名前に恥じないモノづくりをすることを誓い、MOONCASTLEは誕生しました。
Selection of the finest raw materials from around the world, from Ice Cotton produced by a long-established Swiss spinning company and delicate Merino wool from Australia, is carried out at our own factory in Osaka, Japan, in the spirit of "God is in the details. By conducting all processes, including yarn selection, design, pattern, knitting, sewing, and finishing, at our own factory, we are able to fine-tune our products and maintain a consistent quality that cannot be imitated by other companies.